
Two and a half years ago, Aleksandr with the help of a team planted a church in Lutsk, Ukraine. Then the two waves of COVID pushed them back, and now the war in Ukraine almost dismembered the church. Many attenders and members fled the country and only a handful of the congregation remained, but God miraculously filled the church with new people hungry for Him. For several months, any given Sunday, they don’t have a vacant seat in the facility that they rent. People had to line up outside in order to receive a packet of food, encouragement and prayer.

“the church is God's instrument for the fulfillment of His mission. The very understanding that people without the Gospel are doomed to death, encourages the sharing of the greatest news that God wants to convey through His church. Planting new churches is God's plan.”

-Aleksandr Grebenuk, LUTSK CHURCH PLANT